BOMBshell Monday

Mobile App + BOMB Chain + Single Staking = Success earlier than planned! 

Our mission is to become the largest crypto staking protocol in the world by 2025.  Some of our core goals for Q3 2023 are looking to be ready before the end of 2022!  It’s cost me a lot of nights of sleep, but it will be worth it for everyone!  WAGMI LFG!! 

The biggest alpha of the year is here and it’s our next step to completing our mission! 

I’ll save the bulk of the juicy alpha for next week when the app is available for open testing (currently just closed internal testing).  Here is a little bit of what’s going on behind the scenes: 

  • BOMB Chain launched with BOMB (BOMB.MONEY) as native currency!  Our goal to have a crypto staking platform powered by our own chain for full transparency is coming sooner than anticipated! 
  • We’re deep in development of a mobile app with extreme ease of use, breaking down barriers for new users to crypto.  The app is already working flawlessly with BOMB Chain and we are waiting for Apple’s App Store/Google Play Store approvals and finishing up some integrations.  THIS IS HUGE! This is what will allow us to target the masses.  No browser extensions, no barrier to entry, no complicated process, nothing scary at all. Download the app and get started! 
  • Great on-ramping abilities with both fiat and crypto from numerous chains.  We have built a backend which can power on-ramping of crypto from any chain (EVM or otherwise), as well as simple integration of fiat on ramps.  TVL Rocket launchRocket launchRocket launch 
  • Single staking ability from right within the asset portion of our mobile wallet.  No need to even visit a dApp to get started!  Steady APRs, numerous options for lock duration, and true single staking.  We will power these APRs with our numerous seigniorage protocolsThis will bring health to the entire ecosystem.  PHUB at $100k seems conservative now! Rocket launch 

We’ll be granting internal testing access to a few select longtime loyal BOMBERS/PEGGERS! So join our Telegram or Discord channels ASAP and become part of our community! 

The block explorer is still not finalized, but it’s very close. Check it out at: 

BOMB Tokenomics and Why BOMB? 

As always promised, BOMB will only ever be minted from staked BSHARE.  Only about 7,000 BOMB were minted on BOMB chain at launch, just to give the initial validators some coins to stake.  BOMB will be deflationary until it is above peg and BSHAREs start doing their thing again. 

Why did we choose BOMB?  Easy – it made more sense than any other option! A few of the core reasons: 

  • We have mentioned BOMB Chain almost right from original BOMB.Money launch.  It was always received extremely well, both by the community and investors! 
  • BOMB token is already mature. It is on CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko, it’s listed all over and the price feeds already work.  
  • The main goal of having an incredibly easy-to-use and powerful staking platform on our own chain was going to happen either way.  This will 100% bring health to all of our protocols.  By using the BOMB token, we can include OG BOMB in the list of protocols that will moon! 

PegHub Mobile App 

We’re working hard on development of a PegHub mobile app to even further simplify the DeFi experience.  PegHub investors will no longer need to know anything about DeFi, no longer need to download and install a browser extension/web3 wallet, and no longer endure a confusing and usually fragmented experience while investing in DeFi. 

Directly from within the app, users will be able to: 

  • Purchase crypto using fiat 
  • Stake their crypto  
  • Track their asset value and balances 
  • Refer friends to earn bonuses 

The benefits of the app for PegHub: 

  • We can feature farms that we want to drive traffic to in order to optimize PegHub+ Advanced protocols’ health. 
  • In-app messaging and user experience can be tailored based on user’s wallet activity 
  • Use referral systems and offer rewards to drive growth 
  • Offer signup bonuses 
  • Ability to target new crypto users with minimal experience required 

The mobile app is ALREADY IN DEVELOPMENT and will be released Q4 2022.  Here’s a sneak peek: 

PegHub Mobile App Sneak Peek

Governance Vote Coming For Next Chain 

To continue towards our goal of becoming the largest crypto staking protocol in the world by 2025, we need to expand our staking offerings.  Therefore, it’s time to move to expand to the next chain!  As always, PHUB token holders will be able to vote for our next chain, so grab your PHUB token and have your say. 

PegHub dApp v2 Launch 

Over the past month we’ve been working hard to perfect the user experience for our new PegHub dApp and launch is now imminent! We’re in the final stages of testing and expect to launch by the end of this week. The focus of the overhaul has been to break down the barrier to entry for new users, through the UI being so intuitive that even investors with no prior experience in DeFi can easily jump in to our autovaults. 

You may be wondering how the PegHub dApp fits in with our upcoming mobile app. Well, it’s really simple – the mobile app will provide the simplest on-boarding and staking experience you can imagine and be perfect for investors who want to earn high, sustainable yields through single staking. Meanwhile, the PegHub dApp will be for investors who are ready to take the next step in their DeFi journey and looking for the higher returns our autovaults provide. The dApp will be available on desktop but also be accessible via the mobile app’s browser functionality. Finally, for those who want to participate in advanced DeFi strategies, they’ll be able to enjoy our seigniorage protocols! 

In short, our aim is to make sure we provide the perfect way for all investors, regardless of their level of experience, to take advantage of the incredible yields we offer on bluechip crypto!

Win The Wallet Contest Now Live 

PegHub's Win The Wallet Contest LogoWe’ve officially launched the Win The Wallet Contest! To show the long-term growth potential of both the PHUB token and all of our autocompounding vaults, we’ve loaded a wallet with $1,300 USD ($100 into each of our farms plus $100 worth of PHUB token). You can track the progress of the wallet here, but note that our SnowPegs farms will not show up until lists them shortly. 

Every month you’ll get one guess to win. Get your September guess in here. 

There’s 2 ways for you to WIN: 

  1. The GRAND PRIZE – Every month you get another guess at what the value of The Wallet will be in USD on September 15th, 2023. Whoever is closest to the actual value of The Wallet at 11:59pm UTC will have all of its contents transferred to them! 
  1. The MONTHLY PRIZE – Every month you can guess what the value of The Wallet will be in USD at the end of the following month (ex: September guesses are for October 31st, 2022). Whoever is closest to the actual value of The Wallet at 11:59pm UTC will win 1 PHUB token! 

Don’t delay! Get your guess in by September 30 to be eligible for the first month’s prize! 

We’re excited to track the progress of The Wallet and show people how much they can make in just one year investing with PHUB. Don’t forget that The Wallet also includes 0.63 PHUB tokens, and with everything we’ve got going on, PHUB is going to Pluto! Guess accordingly… 

PHUB Price
